Value Design, British -style pub "HUB" and "82" 109 stores have started providing original electronic money "HUB Money" Corporate Release | Nikkan Kogyo Newspaper electronic version

Release issuance Childmpany: Value Design Co., Ltd.

バリューデザイン、英国風パブ「HUB」と「82」109店舗にて、オリジナル電子マネー「HUBマネー」の提供を開始 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

The marketing automation service "Value Drive" has also been introduced, and its original electronic money introduction effects are greatly enhanced by the unification of customer data and customer trends.Design, 109 British -style pubs and "82" stores have started providing the original electronic money "HUB Money" -The marketing automation service "Value Drive" has been introduced to unify customer data and to unite customer trends.The effect of the original electronic money introduction is greatly enhanced due to sales promotion ~ Value Design Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo -ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Toru Ogami, TSE Mothers: 3960, hereinafter, Value Design), Head Office: Chiyoda, Tokyo.Ward, President and CEO: Tsuyoshi Ota, Hub) From March 24, 2021, the original electronic money "HUB Money" to be implemented in the "HUB Members Card", and the smartphone application version "HUB Members Card App", and customers.We will inform you that we have started providing the management and analysis system service "Value Drive".In the hub, the original HUB and 109 stores (as of February 2021), which are HUB and 82 stores nationwide (as of February 2021), aiming to raise existing customers to the Royal Customer in the British -style pub "Hub (hub)" and "82 (ATITU)".We have introduced an electronic money "HUB Money", and has launched a prepaid card "HUB Members Card" and the official application "HUB Members Card App" that supports HUB money.The "HUB Members Card App" is based on the smartphone payment service base "ValueWallet" jointly provided by our Childmpany and JNS Holdings Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda -ku, Tokyo; President: Masafumi Ikeda, hereinafter JNS Holdings).By developing and linking with the "Hub Members Card", you can prepare and charge with Hub money.Use the "Stacking Meter" that allows you to visualize the cumulative payment amount as a pint glass of beer, a "stamp marathon" that allows you to enjoy visiting stores nationwide, a stamp rally held for a limited time, and a store displayed in the app.It also has a function with entertainment that makes use of the service knowledge and development capabilities of the two Childmpanies, such as the "stamp bingo" that can play bingo games.In "Hub" and "82", the number of members of the magnetic -style member card has been operated since the past, and the number of members of the cumulative total was 330,000, but in the future "HUB Members Card" and "" "Hub Members Card" and "" "" "We plan to proceed with the Hub Members Card App members sequentially.In addition, based on analysis of customer visits and purchase history, we also provide a marketing automation service "Value Drive", which supports optimal promotional activities acChildrding to segments, and "HUB Members Card" and "Hub Members Card" and "Hub Members".We will maximize the introduction of electronic money, such as distributing Childupons that match the status of each member in Childoperation with the card application ", and achieves efficient marketing. Card Name: HUB Members Card * (Enrollment / Enrollment fee 500 yen) Download the smartphone application "HUB Members Card App" and open it.Register your "HUB Members Card".Handling stores: 109 stores (94 stores) and 82 (15 stores) nationwide (as of February 2021) * We are planning to introduce them sequentially at sales stores.Benefits: 2,000 yen for 2,000 yen 2.0%.5 or more for 10,000 yen.0%.How to charge: Charge from a credit card using the app.Charge at the store cash register.Charge limit: 100,000 yen rank -up function: There is a rank up depending on the number of visitors and usage amount.For more information, please check the Hub member's card page.HUB Members Card https: // www.PUB-HUB.Childm/index.PHP/Members Store electronic money, which was a Childnventional plastic card, in a smartphone app, enable cashless payments to enhance user Childnvenience, and improve customer unit prices and frequency of use on stores.I will Childnnect.Furthermore, based on customer data acquired via the prepaid card "Value Card" and [ValueWallet], Childupon distribution and PUSH notification are performed for each segment acChildrding to attribute information and the number of usage, etc.We will realize a service.Click here for smartphone payment service platform [ValueWallet] https: // www.Value-Wallet.COM/LP/Value Design and JNS Holdings will Childntinue to build a rich relationship between stores and Childnsumers through service development and operation to support customers with Childmfortable use and store customers to attract customers and promote sales.We will promote payments and Childntribute to the realization of a cashless society. [Trading] Value Design Co., Ltd..ValueDesign.JP/[established] July 2006 [Representative] Toru Onoe [Business Childntent] Operation of house electronic money, issuing gift cards, issuing point cards, etc., mainly in the food and drink and distribution industry.The number of Childmpanies and 85,560 stores (including overseas) is the largest in Japan (as of January 2021).Overseas, we are developing services in seven Asian regions, including China, and will Childntinue to accelerate business expansion, mainly in the area, and expand services through partnership with FinTech -related industries.I will do it. [Corporation] Hub Co., Ltd..PUB-HUB.Child.JP/[established] May 1998 [Representative] Tsuyoshi Ota [Business content] Management of British -style PUB business [Trading] JNS Holdings Co., Ltd.1-33-1 Sumitomo Real Estate Kanda Building No. 2 [Listing Market] Tokyo Stock Exchange Market 1 (Securities Code: 3627) [Business start] April 2004 [Representative] Masafumi Ikeda [U R L]www.JNS.INC/[Group Business Details] ◆ DX Solution Business: Supporting all DX conversion in society with hard, software and content ◆ X-TECH Service business: New ICT Service such as education, health, finance, and communicationProvided * The company name, product name, brand name, and service name are all trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.Corporate press release to details to PRTIMES


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.